Quotes & Phrases

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This is so true,, Everyone has screwed up and hurt people. It doesn't mean we are proud of what we have done. But we choose to move on and make the best of it.
Oh my gosh! YES! Amen to that! I have faced many challenges, and at the time thought, Lord how am I going to get through this? And even play the victim! Now I can say, Lord I cant wait to see how you're going to use me for this! Hard times have given me the opportunity to grow! I'm thankful for that! Stepping outside my comfort zone at times has given me enough challenge for necessary change! I'm grateful for that! I'm so blessed
10 Shonda Rhimes Quotes That Will Help You Kick Butt This Week
The best Shonda Rhimes quotes | “Maybe you know exactly what it is you dream of being, or maybe you're paralyzed because you have no idea what your passion is. The truth is, it doesn't matter. You don't have to know. You just have to keep moving forward. You just have to keep doing something, seizing the next opportunity, staying open to trying something new. It doesn’t have to fit your vision of the perfect job or the perfect life. Perfect is boring, and dreams are not real. Just . . . DO.”
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Celia worked hard to get out of the rut of invisibility to her father that she was in. She knew he could only be proud of her if she were to win the challenge and be great. So she would work hard, although she was never boldly in front of his mind like she should have been as a daughter.
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Celia worked hard to get out of the rut of invisibility to her father that she was in. She knew he could only be proud of her if she were to win the challenge and be great. So she would work hard, although she was never boldly in front of his mind like she should have been as a daughter.
Do this! I'm so proud of people who acomplish things when even they didn't think they could! It's time to do this myself.
Inspirational Picture Quotes...
Baby Steps..That's All I Take.. You're Both So Friggin' Awesome.. I'm So Proud.. I Love You Both So.. Mommy, Big Momma, Momma, Mom xox
The Struggle Is Part Of The Story - Whitney English
the struggle is part of the story
On Hitting The Life-Change Lotto - Beth Bryan
My sudden job change is proof of this. Fired 1/14 hired 1/23 at a better job. God is good we just have to trust Him.