Offences Against the Administration of Justice

Fail to Comply with Probation or bail, Perjury, Fail to Appear in Court, Obstruct Justice, Obstruct Police.
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Jeff Hershberg is a fearless defender of his clients and never backs down from difficult situations. His representation has resulted in numerous acquittals and the withdrawal of hundreds of cases by the Crown. He has never assisted a person plead guilty just to get the case over with as it goes against his moral compass. Visit:
Jeff Hershberg successfully challenged the mandatory minimum firearm sentence law which was later upheld in the Court of Appeal.Fail to Comply with Probation or bail, Perjury, Fail to Appear in Court, Obstruct Justice, Obstruct Police. Visit:
Jeff Hershberg strives to ensure all accused persons receive the best possible defence and a fair trial. He is a partner at Canada’s largest criminal defence law firm. Jeff Hershberg, and his team of criminal lawyers.Visit:
He is a firm believer in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and has focused his practice on defending breaches of the rights of individuals including the right to remain free from undue searches.Visit: