Digestive Health Resources

Andrea Hardy, RD introduces you to her new podcast, Let’s Gut Real. Stay up to date with all the latest digestive health information. The purpose of this podcast is to further the work she has done through her TEDx talk on science communication. Her goal is to get more researchers, scientists and health professionals creating meaningful discussion around nutrition in a way that is evidence based and frankly, doesn’t scare the crap out of people.
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Let's Gut Real Ep. 42: Nutrition for Concussions and Mental Health
This week I interview Erik Bustillo, RD on concussions, what they are, how they impact the brain, how they can happen, nutrition supported recovery and the impact they can have on mental health.
Runner Diarrhea
On This Episode Dr. Parnell and I chat about: What runner’s diarrhea/runner’s gut is? How runner’s gut influences motility of the gut? How exercise stress influences gut symptoms? How the gut microbiota changes gut function in runner’s gut? How patients with IBS may be more prone towards gut symptoms during exercise And so much more.... Listen Now<br>
New Ways to Diagnose Bile Acid Diarrhea
Bile acid diarrhea is a common cause of diarrhea in patients with IBS and IBD. Currently, our diagnostic tools are unaccessible and often, therapeutic trials with bile acid sequestrants are used in the diagnosis. Dr Robert Battat shares his research with a new diagnostic marker, C4, in the diagnosis and management of B.A.D., leading to more targeted care for patients. #Bileaciddiarrhea #Bileacid #diarrhea
How Is Gut Health Tied To Mood?
On This Episode We Talk About: How nutrition isn’t the ONLY thing that influences gut issues How sleep effects gut health? How people can improve their sleep for digestive health? How the gut and the brain are connected, and how it ties to mood? How stress influences gut health? And so much more...... Listen Now
Digestive Health Podcast
A bit about what to expect: ⁠'Let's Gut Real' is ALL about making nutrition science accessible and easy-to-digest. ⁠⁠ I will be talking with guests or on topics about digestive health, the gut microbiome, hot nutrition topics, and nutrition misinformation, sharing messages that are easy to consume and that empower people to take nutrition information in critically - like a scientist!
Gastroparesis and Digestive Look-Alikes
Feeling full, nausea and vomiting are all symptoms of gastroparesis, yet other gut conditions can present like this too – so how do we know which it is? This week I interview Dr. Linda Nguyen on gastroparesis and other digestive disorder look-alikes like IBS, functional dyspepsia, cyclic vomiting syndrome and how she works with patients to improve their quality of life.
How Healthy is Your Gut Microbiota?
On this episode of the Let's Gut Real Podcast we discuss: what is the gut microbiota? what are the components of the gut microbiota? And so much more....
Sucrose Intolerance (CSID)
On today's episode I have Kara Siedman here to chat with us about sucrase isomaltase deficiency (CSID) and discuss overlap with IBS presentation. Once thought of as extremely rare and only diagnosed in paediatrics, CSID is being found to be more prevalent than we once thought. With symptoms overlapping with IBS, learn how the conditions are similar, and how to move through helping patients find the right diagnosis.
Let's Gut Real Ep. 31: Can you use the low FODMAP diet for IBS in kids?
On this episode of the Let's Gut Real Podcast: The Low FODMAP diet is popular for the management of IBS – but should we be using it in kids? and is it safe? Julia Celestini, RD discusses things to consider before starting the Low FODMAP diet in kids!
Yoga for Digestion
A 30 minute gentle yoga practice and a 10 minute breathing practice to help improve your gut-brain connection! Enroll in Course for FREE
4 Week Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Menu Plan
We have a vault of four week-long balanced PCOS menu plan designed by Registered Dietitians, that are delicious, simple, and don't take a lot of work!.
Bile Acid Diarrhea
A 1-hour online workshop teaching you about bile acid diarrhea. Learn the causes of bile acid diarrhea, how bile acid diarrhea is diagnosed, how nutrition can help manage symptoms of bile acid diarrhea and how certain medications can help to manage bile acid diarrhea. Plus a 7 day low fat menu plan for bile acid diarrhea.
Living with a Sulphite Sensitivity
Do you have a sulphite sensitivity or intolerance? Struggling with figuring out what you need to avoid, and what you can safely eat? Or maybe you're stuck in a really restrictive diet because of your sulphite intolerance? If you answered yes to any of these - this course is for you.
Let's Gut Real Ep. 43: How to Fight Nutrition Misinformation
The stream of online nutrition misinformation is never ending. Although this may be a daunting prospect, it emphasizes the critical need for dietitians to help provide accurate information online. This week I interview RD Abby Langer on how dietitians can help patients navigate online information and some of the current digestive health claims that are being promoted.
Eosinophilic Esophagitis 4 Week Elimination Menu
Diagnosed with Eosinophillic Esophagitis? One of the primary strategies for management is the 6 (or 8 food) elimination diet. That means: No wheat, No dairy, No soy, No eggs, No fish & shellfish, No peanuts & tree nuts