Gut Microbiome Resources

Nutrition Resources | Gut Microbiome | Probiotics | Healthy Gut | Fermented Food | Kombucha | Kefir | & More | The gut microbiome is a hot topic in the health world these days. But what is it, and why should you care? Check out this board to get all your gut microbiome questions answered. From probiotics to prebiotics, learn everything you need to know about how this important ecosystem affects your overall health.
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Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and IBD Nutrition
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare, progressive, autoimmune bile duct and liver disease characterized by inflammation of the bile ducts. This week I interview RD Brittany Roman-Green and we discuss what the current research says about PSC and how it is related to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
How do Eating Disorders Impact Digestive Symptoms?
Digestive disorders often overlap with emotional eating, binge eating, and other eating disorders. This week we take a look at ways to help manage eating disorders while also trying to understand how eating behaviours can impact digestive symptoms. With the ultimate goal of trying to improve them.
How to Pick a Probiotic with Dragana Skokovic Sunjic
Dragana Skokovic Sunjic is a clinical pharmacist and the leader in knowledge mobilization for probiotics in Canada and the US. As the author of the Clinical Guide to Probiotic Supplements for both Canada and the US, she has spoken around the world on the latest evidence for the use of probiotics. This week, Andrea interviews Dragana on the most up-to-date evidence on probiotics. Spoiler alert: It’s not enough to say ‘pick a probiotic with at least 10 billion bacteria!’
Inflammatory bowel disease & the gut microbiome
I interview Dr Suzanne Devkota on her research on the gut microbiota and inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s and colitis) and the role our diet plays in fostering a healthy microbiome, and possibly reducing the incidence of IBD. We also discuss how microbial changes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of IBD. #ibs
Gut Microbiota Trends for 2020
On this episode, Kristina and I discuss, The difference between gut microbiome and gut microbiota? What do you think is the single most important thing people can do to take care of the gut microbiota? How does nutrition impact the gut microbiota? And Much More......... <br>
What Does Your Microbiome Say About You?
Your microbiome plays an important role in your immune system and nervous system development, and can help or hinder our health long term. Can we use gut microbiota testing to tell us about our health and disease states? And where is the research going? I interview Colin Hill, Ph.D to answer these important questions and tell us what our microbiomes say about us! #digestivehealth #microbiome #guthealth
Let’s Gut Real Ep. 6 – COVID-19, Probiotics & GI Disorders
I’ve been getting an overwhelming amount of questions about COVID-19 and probiotics, IBD, IBS, and immunity. I wanted to take some time to answer these in a simple way for our listeners. The information was recorded March 19th and therefore, statistics and recommendations may change – always check with your doctor.
What does my bloating mean?
Being able to accurately articulate your IBS symptoms with your health care provider can be very beneficial to your treatment especially when it comes to bloating. Did you know – bloating can mean different things to different people, and can help your health care team sort out what might be going on? In this episode of Let’s Gut Real, we cover patient-specific symptomology and how to ask the right questions about what bloating means.
How to Manage Infant Food Sensitivities
It’s not always easy to identify what may be causing infant colic or infant allergy reactions. Infant food sensitivities are common and can result in projectile vomiting, reflux, mucousy/bloody stool, and more – which can be very distressing to parents and lead to unnecessary dietary restrictions.
Let's Gut Real Ep. 41: Exclusive Enteral Nutrition for IBD
Our diet, the balance of our gut microbiome, and fibre intake can have significant impacts on our digestive health and disease outcomes. This week I interview Dr. Genelle Healey on the use of exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) treatment for IBD patients.
Is IBS a Mental Health Disorder?
This week I interview registered dietitian Heidi Staudacher on the relationship between mental health and IBS, and the role of nutrition in both gut symptom management and mental health.
Let's Gut Real Ep. 46: Do Digestive Enzymes Help IBS?
Enzymes are vital – not only for digestion but also for the nervous system, muscles, and many other important bodily functions. This week I interview Anjie Liu and David Hachuel creators of FODZYME® to discuss how enzymes can help with IBS symptoms.
Let's Gut Real Ep. 7 - Dietary Pollutants and the Gut Microbiota - Andrea Hardy, RD
On This Episode Jessie & I Talk About: In animal models, how pollutants interact with the microbiome & overall host health Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) as a persistent pollutanthow we are exposed to PCB’s (primarily fish, fatty meats, & fatty dairy products) How PCB’s influence the mouse microbiota how PCB’s influenced inflammation and ‘leaky gut’ (gut permeability) And much more..... Listen Now<br>
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
On this episode Dr. Ali Rezaie and I discuss: What is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)? The most common causes of SIBOPhases of digestion? What tests are evidence-based for SIBO? And more..... <br>
Current Research in Mood & Gut Disorders
On This Episode Simone and I talk about: Her story about her IBS journey, and how she joined the IMAGINE study (Inflammation, Microbiome, and Alimentation: Gastro-Intestinal and Neuropsychiatric Effects) How she uses story telling & sharing supports patients with digestive disorders What the IMAGINE study is? Why this research is important to discover all the different factors that influence IBS & IBD symptoms and quality of life And Much More.... Listen Now