Integratus Systems Reports Trends Papers

Reports Trends Papers
179 Pins
The Evolution of Commerce Platforms - Skava
Monolithic vs Microservice architecture
Required reading for marketplace startups
Required reading for marketplace startups: The 20 best essays at andrewchen
The Power User Curve
The Power User Curve: The best way to understand your most engaged users at andrewchen
The Power User Curve
The Power User Curve: The best way to understand your most engaged users at andrewchen
The Power User Curve
The Power User Curve: The best way to understand your most engaged users at andrewchen
The Power User Curve
The Power User Curve: The best way to understand your most engaged users at andrewchen
The Power User Curve
The Power User Curve: The best way to understand your most engaged users at andrewchen
Required reading for marketplace startups
Required reading for marketplace startups: The 20 best essays at andrewchen
What’s next for marketplace startups? Reinventing the $10 trillion service economy, that’s what. at andrewchen
What's next for marketplace startups? Reinventing the $10 trillion service economy, that's what. at andrewchen
The trillion-dollar opportunity for the industrial sector: How to extract full value from technology
The value at stake varies by industry segment.
The trillion-dollar opportunity for the industrial sector: How to extract full value from technology
Tech enablement could create more enormous value across the industrial sector.
The trillion-dollar opportunity for the industrial sector: How to extract full value from technology
Our value capture framework for tech-enabled transformations.
The trillion-dollar opportunity for the industrial sector: How to extract full value from technology
Successful tech enablement in the industrial sector could unlock significant business value.
IIoT platforms: The technology stack as value driver in industrial equipment and machinery
Growth in Industrial Internet of Things revenue will be driven by platform, software, and app development.
IIoT platforms: The technology stack as value driver in industrial equipment and machinery
Intensifying global competition and increasing commoditization are shifting value pools from machinery products to software and services.