Alternative Education for Children

55 Pins
Montessori-Inspired Activities for Care of Self
Montessori-Inspired Activities for Care of Self - Lots and lots of activities of all types related to care-of-self
Kids Art: 20 Ways to Get Arty Outdoors
Sensory Art Outside. Must do. Maybe I could make an Art Bag to take art supplies outside each day rather than PLAN an activity. This way it will be more Child Directed rather than Teacher Directed.
Maths Investigation Area for Open-Ended Learning - The Imagination Tree
Maths investigation area for exciting, open-ended learning! Lists of materials included
10 Projects to Transform Your Backyard into an Educational Oasis -
10 Projects to Transform Your Backyard into an Educational Oasis
The Ultimate Guide to Kids' Crafts and Learning Activities Using Beads
Part of the Ultimate Guide to 50 Craft Materials ... contains ideas for Montessori-inspired crafts and learning activities using beads along with a link-up for any posts with crafts or learning activities using beads.
Montessori 101 Community — Child Development Institute of the Redwoods
montessori 101 for newbies ; this is perfect, my favorite Montessori pin so far
A Space to work in the kitchen.
The Montessori Child at Home: A Space to work in the kitchen.
50 Montessori Activities for 2 Year Olds - LOTS of ideas to get to find some of these products to use.
View topic - Ontario Resources | Canadian Canoe Routes
outdoor and experiential education resources ontario
Technology-Driven Community Building Activities
Mobile and Technology-Enhanced Experiential Activities. This website has been designed to describe mobile learning and technology-based activities that facilitate a sense of community in a variety of educational and training settings. The links in the menu lead to descriptions of the individual activities. They rely mostly on texting, emailing, and photo-taking activities.
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Human Anatomy Felt Board I was going to make one out of construction paper, but this idea to use felt, is EVEN BETTER!!!! @Lauren Davison Davison Muskauski - this is better than Little Organ Annie!!!