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The Genius Equation: You’re Closer Than You Thought to Revealing the Genius That You Are | Giants Within
When it comes to this topic, I couldn’t help but think about the tagline or slogan that shows up in Scotiabank’s marketing. “You’re richer than you think.” The concept is quite similar for the Genius Equation, too. You’re closer than you thought. I’ll explain why that is and what you can do about it.
I Have Never Met My Dad – Making Peace with the Past | Giants Within
“My parents were separated before I was born. I never met my dad. He died when I was 18.” Whenever I shared those three sentences with people, I saw their hearts break right in front of me. I wasn’t trying to break their hearts, and I wasn’t looking for sympathy. I was simply sharing something that has affected my entire life. Something that happened before I was born. Something that might come to define my life purpose. What do I mean by that?
How to Find Your Inner Strength – and Why That Matters | Giants Within
Depression. Obesity. Laziness. Premature death. What do all these things and others have in common — besides being global epidemics? They are symptoms of a greater problem facing all of humanity. It’s something I see every day, in myself and in others. This universal problem is so important to solve that it’s tempting to say that solving this one problem solves life. So what is this problem?