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Pacific Northwest Indians Tools | ... 'First Nations Native American Indian' by Pacific Northwest Native
Thunderbirds exist in several Native cultures, including Inuit, Ojibwe and many Plains Nations(Lakota, Crow, etc). Some traditions say they existed before anything else, even the Creator. They are massive, mysterious beings whose wings create the sound of thunder as they fly. The Ojibwe say they bring the rains in the spring. In some cultures they can shapeshift and sometimes mate with humans. In others they are formidable guardians in the directions.
Caulfeild Art Gallery and Custom Framing, West Vancouver: Carol Evans
"Monument in the Mist" Carol Evans / Register at for 50% Off Your First Order of Wild Smoked Pacific Salmon, shipped worldwide, CLOSING SOON!
Past Exhibitions
Thunderbird Whale totem pole by Calvin Hunt, Kwakwaka'wakw (Kwagiulth), Nuu-chah-nulth artist (X70902)
All Pieces
Nathan Wilson, Red Cedar Mask, Becoming Thunderbird, Northwest Coast Native Art
Blond Girl T-Shirt | Blond Girls Store
native american thunderbird images | thunderbird thunder bird native american indians the native symbol or ...