Boat Ideas

12 Pins
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Wandering seafarers and pirate ships feel like adventure and exploration to me, feeling like a big shoulder tattoo
Mathieu Lauffray, auteur de BD, illustrateur, concept designer
Pheleb: This city is home to the second largest nautical trading port, and statues representing Prian and Novax, the gods of air and earth, greet any traveler, even those merely passing by. Temples for each god can also be found in this city, and Pheleb is famous for its large pirate population.
Kumpulan gambar terbaru - MyWeb
Pirate battle - Repinned by
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Daily Inspiration #1357 | Abduzeedo Design Inspiration & Tutorials
Digital Art Archives | Art and Design
On the chase! ~Repinned Via Jorge Vargas J
Enough Assassin's Creed IV Concept Art To Shiver Your Timbers
Beautiful pirate ship piece