Respiratory Therapy

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I have hypovolemia and have gone into hypovolemic shock MANY times. It is related to my dysautonomia, NOT from blood loss due to an injury.
Chest X-Ray - Lung disease
How to identify and differentiate lung diseases from chest x-ray..
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Do not forget your alphabet when it comes to pulmonary edema. --- Visit for your daily dose of nursing education! --- #nclex #nursing #nclextips #nclex_tips #nurse #nursingschool #nursing_school #nursingstudent #nursing_student
NCLEX Questions and test prep mobile app to help RN pass NCLEX exam. Free download. NCLEX tips and NCLEX study questions available at #nclexpreceptor
Red Alert: What You Need for the NCLEX - QD Nurses
Therapeutic Drug Levels
Know your documentation of eyes. You should know what they mean. For example, OD is oculus dexter. --- Visit for your daily dose of nursing education! --- #nclex #nursing #nclextips #nclex_tips #nurse #nursingschool #nursing_school #nursingstudent #nursing_student
Even artichokes have hearts.: Photo
Hyponatremia: Risk Factors: GI loss SIADH Adrenal insufficiency Diuretics Water intoxication Decreased intake Manifestations: Na+ 135 mEq/L Weakness Lethargy Confusion Seizures Coma Interventions: Daily weight Assess CNS changes I/O Administer IVF [hypertonic (acute); isotonic (restore volume)] Seizure precautions Teach sodium-rich food If etiology is FVE, restrict fluids NOTE: risk for hypertonic solutions is cerebral edema