Bob Morley

74 Pins
X. It’s what’s happening
He's sooooo cute!!!.....I mean Bob....but his doggy to....
. Hope you all have a great day • • ➖➖ #bobmorley #bellamyblake #the100
At least... once they were friends. Lincoln and Bellamy. #the100 - Shop for over 300,000 Premium Domains
i bear it so they dont have to
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Bob Morley with a puppy...perfection? I think so!
Meet Wesley Wright, he's from city three and yeah, he's deformed. Not that it's really big, he simply can't smell. That does happen to impact the way he tastes things a bit, but that's alright, he's more than used to it by now. Those who know him know that he's always happy and willing to help his friends.