Viking shit

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NORSE GODS ---HERE'S A LOOK AT SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT NORSE GODS AND WHAT THEY SYMBOLIZED... I af Odin - the most well- wily Freya - goddess of love, known, Odin is the All lust, fertility and war Father of the gods. Thor - god of thunder and Baldur - god of the sun, strongest of the gods. gracious, wise and divine. Freyr - peaceful god of Forseti - god of justice and farming, fertility, peace, reconciliation wealth and sexual virility Heimdallr - protector of Idun - goddess of youth. Asgard and guardian of the Idun's golden apples gave Bifrost. immortality to the gods Loki - god of mischief, ww Loki is Thor's uncle and Mimir - wisest of the gods Odin's brother and advisor to Odin - iFunny
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