grade 1

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Bonjour à vous! C'est aujourd'hui dim... mardi ;-) que je vous partage mon "freebie"de la semaine. Oupss... je suis un peu en retard, mais...
French Back-to-school Resources | updated in 2024 - For French Immersion
French Back-to-school Resources: blog post with links to tons of FREE printables, videos for "la rentrée scolaire", and much more! (image: FREE "Ici on parle français!" poster)
French Earth Day - Le jour de la Terre - For French Immersion
Jour de la Terre en français - Earth Day Slideshare Discussion Prompt in French
French MY Emergent Reader - For French Immersion
French MY Emergent Readers: MON | MA | MES. Kids will be working with the focus sight words by writing, cutting and pasting, tracing, reading, and more! It's also great to review classroom vocabulary in French :)
Sandra Fortin
Activit brise glace en dbut d'anne.Source des images:Graphics & Fonts Copyright (C) Dianne J. Hook #licence: 0814202130
Étiquettes pour décorer la classe
Étiquettes pour le matériel scolaire et les objets dans la classe
Teaching Elementary and Beyond
Les affiches d'une mentalité d'amélioration. Provide inspiration for for your kids! These growth mindset posters are full of quotes to help motivate and change the perspective of your students! These will look great on your bulletin boards in your classroom and can help your students develop great life skills for learning.
Social Studies - Mon monde et moi, unit 1
Madame Belle Feuille: Social Studies - Mon monde et moi, unit 1
Free French Sound Board Game - Le son "a" - jeu de l'oie
GRATUIT! Un jeu de société en couleur et en noir et blanc pour pratiquer le son "a", les syllabes et les mots avec ce son. Idéal pour les centres de littératie!
Teaching Elementary and Beyond
Les affiches d'une mentalité d'amélioration. Provide inspiration for for your kids! These growth mindset posters are full of quotes to help motivate and change the perspective of your students! These will look great on your bulletin boards in your classroom and can help your students develop great life skills for learning.
10 chansons pour bouger - Teaching French Immersion: Ideas for the Primary Classroom
Your French students will have fun singing, dancing and moving with these 10 French songs! 10 chansons pour bouger