
111 Pins
Presenting Sol and Mi (Part 2) — Victoria Boler
Music in First Grade: How to Present Sol and Mi (Part 2) — We Are the Music Makers
FREE Charlie Over the Ocean - Nautical Folk Song with Rhythmic Accompaniment
Charlie Over the Ocean - Nautical Folk Song with Rhythmic Accompaniment SAMPLER
Charlie Over the Ocean for the Elementary Music Classroom
Charlie Over the Ocean
4 Corners long Preview
Musical 4 Corners is one of the most engaging activities I've played with my elementary and middle school music students. Here are the guidelines. You can make your own games or SillyOMusic's games on TpT. You can even use them for music sub plans because they come with answer keys. They are great for reviewing rhythms or any other music concepts such as dynamics, tempo, note names, etc. They will energize all of your music lessons, even the older kids love it! #sillyomusic
Put Your Hands Together!
Hand clapping games: Blog post includes great songs with hand jives for your music lessons!
Song and dance {Three great activities for your older students} - Aileen's Music Room
Song and Dance: Three great activities for older students, including two great folk dances and one singing game!
Rob Amchin—University of Louisville—Melody and rhythm lesson "Tideo"
Rob Amchin—University of Louisville—Melody and rhythm lesson "Tideo" - YouTube