Thoughts and other saying

557 Pins
Yes because the double standard of society being ok with men sewing their wild oats while expecting women to abstain from that same behavior is bullshit.
Amen, in Jesus name I accept my blessings of desires in abundance of immeasurable proportion, I accept salvation by confessing with my mouth that you my Lord Jesus, King of kings are my Lord and Savior, my God, because of you father everything I speak comes to fruition commanded by the Holy Ghost, through the everlasting love of Jesus Christ, embraced in Gods mercy and grace. Amen... Lisa Christiansen, child of the one true king ΙΧΘΥΣ
I claim all of this for my family D, A & A as well, in Jesus Holy Name. Satan has NO authority here!
This Man’s Wife Died 2 Years Ago. What He Just Discovered Last Week Is Indescribable. Get A Tissue.
These are words to live by daily! Love your spouse through the heart of Jesus!
How To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special: 25+ Simple And Powerful Ways To Show Your Love
Mermaid necklaces made out of ribbon and white pearl gumballs
This is so true!! God has blessed me with our paths crossing. Now I just have to wait for his timing.