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How to build your own country | CNN
Seasteads 3D-printed on the ocean will not resemble skyscrapers rooted in bedrock. The City of Meriens follows the form and function of a manta ray. © Jacques Rougerie Architecte, France.
How to build your own country | CNN
A modular wavebreaker shelters Artisanopolis, a model seastead, in shallow coastal waters. Greenhouse domes will provide locally grown food. Courtesy of Gabriel Scheare, Chile.
How to build your own country | CNN
Metropolis 2055: Modular neighborhoods can detach and move to other seasteads or form new seasteads. These are the fluid mechanics of voluntary societies. Courtesy of Tyler Kreshover, USA.
441 new coronavirus cases, 28 deaths in Ontario as total deaths surpass 2,000 |
Reality TV star Gia Allemand dies at 29
441 new coronavirus cases, 28 deaths in Ontario as total deaths surpass 2,000 |
Mom Kicked Out Of Water Park for Her Bikini [Pics]
441 new coronavirus cases, 28 deaths in Ontario as total deaths surpass 2,000 |
Ryan Seacrest responds to rumours he had a stroke on TV
How to build your own country | CNN
The first permanent businesses on the high seas could be sovereign floating hospitals that provide cutting-edge care to patients who choose them. Design concept by Edward McIntosh, 2014, Ecuador.
What drives American is our kopi-O
Labour of love: Bukkhalter showing off his "Kopi O' licence plate on his car in California.
Key West Florida Spring | Just another WordPress site
Key West Florida Spring | Just another WordPress site
Key West Florida Spring | Just another WordPress site
Key West Florida Spring | Just another WordPress site
Key West Florida Spring | Just another WordPress site