
34 Pins
Lilies – Big impact, Very Little Work
stunning bright purple and yellow Lily - I love Daylillies. They never let you down.
Sen074 z45x100cm
Sen074 z45x100cm by on @deviantART
5 Surprising Facts About Orchids
Beautiful Orchid tower: purple & white blooms on stalks. RESEARCH #DdO:) MOST #POPULAR RE-PINS - - FLOWERS BEYOND EXPECTED. Genus ORCHID is OLD, widespread, prolific, DIVERSE colors, sizes, patterns. Grows naturally all over world-- a favorite plant of horticulturists. 25,000+ DOCUMENTED species. AND scientists are finding more every day. Evidence of Creator Designer God: Far more variety than "Chance" from a few cells wd make.
Unusual Flowers - Exotic, Rare and Not Often Seen Specimens
WOW So UNUSUAL! Frumusetea - this is stunning to me!
Carnival of color: 30 of the most incredible multi-colored flowers in the world - Blog of Francesco Mugnai
Carnival of color: 30 of the most incredible multi-colored flowers in the world
Flowers in the Dominican Republic
Pretty flowers can be found everywhere in the Dominican Republic. Don't believe me? Check out this photo essay of beautiful flowers found in the DR.
"Magic Dogwood" - Cornus florida sub. urbiniana (urbaniana)
"Magic Dogwood" - Cornus florida subspecies urbiniana - is a rare Mexican version of the common American Dogwood tree.
Dodge Coupes
2014 DODGE VIPER SRT GTS – ANODIZED CARBON EDITION Limited 50 Editions of this Matte SRT Monster
just keep swimming
HOTPINK leaves against the blue sky.... Another BEAUTIFUL nature inspired color-scheme....-Ang