kindergarten friendly

2,170 Pins
I Give Homework in Kindergarten (But Not Like You Think)
Do you ever hear the word "homework" brought up in conversation and cringe a little, not knowing what the next statement will be? I know I d...
15 Cool Science Activities To Do With Your Kids
Kids are natural explorers, they are constantly thirsty for knowledge and curiosity is their thing. It's really important to feed your child's need for answers and learning new things. As you know kids get bored very easily, so to teach them something, it has to be fun. Here we have some cool and entertaining science experiments you can try with your kids. They will learn a lot of new things while playing.
How Wee Learn: Homeschool Resources
An entire year of educational quiet boxes! Perfect for kids between 2 - 6 years. Awesome for little ones who no longer nap, or for toddlers while Mama nurses. Also great for home schooling families with little ones!
Hugo's Vibrant Retreat.
Great storage ideas for a kids room - the @IKEAUSA Expedit Bookcase + @LandofNod striped bins are a match made in heaven!
5 Teachers To Watch On Periscope - Sheila Jane Teaching :: Teach Happy, Live Happy, Be Happy.
Sheila Jane Teaching :: Teach Happy, Live Happy, Be Happy.