Cool things you should see

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The Gerber LMF Infantry II is by far the best survival knife I have ever seen!!! It's versatility and extra features make it an ideal knife to have while camping or backpacking in the backcountry
Best Sci-Fi Books Since 2000 | Shopswell
35 of the BEST Sci-Fi Books published since the year 2000 - including World War Z, Wool, the Windup Girl, and The Martian.
36 Incredible Photographs from the Past You Might Not Have Seen Before
These photographers may have never known the significance of the pictures they took and that millions would be marveling at them in the future. From thousands of images, I chose these to give us a rare and fascinating look at how different (and similar) life used to be.
8 of the Worst Marriage Habits - Living the Sweet Wife
Do you ever wish that sometimes you could just write a long list to your spouse of all the things he does that drive you insane?? I have done this.
Top 10 Home Defense Carbines
just right carbines, JR Carbine, carbine, carbines, home defense carbine, home defense carbines, home defense gun, home defense rifle, defense pistol
Removing Popcorn Ceilings!
Removing Popcorn Ceilings -- will be glad I pinned this if I ever move to an older home and need to remodel.
10 Cool Gadgets and Accessories You Might Want, But Probably Don't Need
"New Jersey Concealment Furniture. The designers have created not just just one or two pieces, but an entire range of furniture dedicated to concealed firearms storage." Not that you need to them for just firearms. They're automatically cool because of the hidden compartments.
Non Traditional AK's (Not for Purist & wood people).
Non Traditional AK's (Not for Purist & wood people).