
Empowering women and girls to believe in themselves and embrace their unique gifts/strengths
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Loving your body through the seasons of life
Our bodies are our lifelong companions. They carry us through triumphs, challenges, and everything in between. But so often as women, our relationship with our body is damaged by criticism, comparison, and a persistent feeling of not being "enough." It’s time to rewrite that narrative. It’s time to embrace body positivity and self-acceptance—because every wrinkle, curve, and scar tells a story of resilience, strength, and love!
3 ways to overcome loneliness
Loneliness is a feeling that most of us experience at some point in our lives. For single people, loneliness can sometimes feel like a constant companion. But it’s not a life sentence—it’s a temporary state that we can address with awareness, self-compassion, and healthy action. So let’s explore the causes of loneliness and practical solutions…👇
🌟 Are You Ready to Attract YOUR Divine Loving Partner? 🌟
Here’s the thing... finding love isn’t about settling or forcing it. It’s about healing, aligning, and opening yourself up to sacred, lasting connection. 💖 That’s why I’m so excited to invite you to the "Making Miracles Happen Series: Discover the Secret to Attracting YOUR Sacred, Loving Partner." I’ll be speaking alongside 15 other amazing speakers, including Gary Salyer! ✨ When: February 2, 2025 ✨ Where: Live online, with a 7-day binge-worthy replay! It’s time to stop settling and start creating the love life you deserve. 💕 👉 Register for free: https://makingmiracleshappenseries.com/KarenStrangAllen Because love isn’t about luck—it’s about learning how to invite it in. 💖
The power of the pause: Finding clarity in stillness
In our fast-paced world, we often respond to life’s challenges and demands with knee-jerk reactions. But did you know the most powerful thing you can do is not to jump into action…it’s to pause? Here are some practical ways you can incorporate the power of the pause into your daily life…👇
Creating space for more joy
When we let go of what no longer serves us, we create space for the things that truly matter. Here are some practical steps to help you declutter your physical, emotional, and relational spaces. 👇
Decluttering: Creating space for more joy
When we let go of what no longer serves us, we create space for the things that truly matter. Here are some practical steps to help you declutter your physical, emotional, and relational spaces. 👇
Reignite your spark: 10 ways to add variety to your life
Winter can feel like a time of stagnation. If you're feeling stuck or bored or apathetic, stepping outside your comfort zone to try something new can be a powerful way to rejuvenate your spirit and add joy back into your life. Here are some ideas to help you create a spark and reignite your life!
Have you been settling?
🌼 It’s time to stop settling for less than you deserve! ✨ Join my masterclass on January 9 and learn how to uplevel your life and relationships. Register for FREE!
Dream big: Setting goals that excite & inspire you
So you’ve done the New Year’s resolutions thing and set goals for yourself before. And maybe you’ve even achieved some of them. But often, you find that you lose motivation early in the year. So let’s talk about how to create goals that feel good, that you’ll follow through on.
Embracing simplicity: Your guide to holiday serenity
The holiday season can be such a wonderful time…but it can also be very stressful. So what is the best way to create balance over the holidays…to make things merry & bright while keeping your center (and sanity)?
Beating the holiday blues: Strategies for a happier season
Many people struggle with feelings of loneliness, sadness and even despair at this time of year. So let’s look at where these feelings come from, and some simple strategies for beating the holiday blues…
Winter wellness: Finding joy in colder months
Winter doesn’t have to be a season of despair. Drawing inspiration from cultures that embrace the colder months—like Norway, here are ten tips to help you not just survive, but truly thrive this winter!
Releasing the past: Letting go of what doesn’t serve you…
The nature of life is change…nothing stays the same for long. This is true of seasons, relationships, careers, homes, fashion…even our physical bodies. It can seem hard to accept change, but if we embrace the cycles of life…the natural ebb and flow, it becomes easier to adapt and use these cycles to our advantage.
Recalibrate to empowered love!
Many people excuse unhealthy behaviours in the name of “love” (like control, possessiveness and guilt-tripping), when that really isn’t love at all (those behaviours are fear-based, not love-based). Healthy love feels entirely different. It feels safe, trusting, peaceful, generous and kind. In my upcoming ALL-NEW free masterclass “Empowered Love,” we’ll redefine love and discuss the differences between toxic and healthy relationships. Join us on October 29 at 8 PM Eastern and learn how to recalibrate to healthy love! Register for FREE here!
🌈 Are you ready to feel empowered in love? 🌈
It’s time to feel hopeful about love again! 💖 Join my free online masterclass, “Empowered Love” and discover the keys to creating the healthy, happy relationships you deserve. 💖 We'll explore what real love looks like, debunk common myths, and change mindset blocks that hold you back so you can attract high-quality, reciprocal relationships. 🗓️ Mark your calendar for October 29 at 8 PM Eastern! 👉 Register for FREE!