Studio Lighting

19 Pins
Laura Ferreira Studios
Miss World Trinidad and Tobago, Sarah Jane Waddellphotography / lighting: Laura Ferreiramua: Melissa Deanehair: Emily Quesnelwardrobe / accessories / location: House of Jaipur
Laura Ferreira Studios
Miss World Trinidad and Tobago, Sarah Jane Waddell photography / lighting: Laura Ferreira mua: Melissa Deane hair: Emily Quesnel wardrobe / accessories / location: House of Jaipur
I am the new black
Up close and personal with Gerard Butler one of the only men who can pull off facial hair for me :)
Couple Poses: 21 Posing Ideas for Beautiful Couples Photography
21 different poses for couples photos.
How to Pose Men (Posing Ideas + Male Photography Tips)
How to pose males.
4 Fast Steps to Easily Light Your Backgrounds
4 Fast Steps to Easily Light Your Backgrounds