
38 Pins
You know...standing as close to me as you possibly can in the check out line will NOT make the line move faster.....
I HATE it when people do this!!
If I really like you, I'll be sarcastic and tease you relentlessly. If I don't like you, I'll be very polite and pleasant. I think I may have somehow gotten this backwards.
story of my life lol
Read a Chart That Describes How ‘Everything You Need to Know in Life, You Learned From Friends’ (The TV Show)
Read a Chart That Describes How ‘Everything You Need to Know in Life, You Learned From Friends’ (The TV Show) -- Vulture
I often laugh at extremely inappropriate times. Not because I'm nervous or anything...mainly because I think inappropriate things are funny.
it's true
Funny Confession Memes & Ecards | Someecards
All the time...
When someone compliments my shirt, I frantically tell them where and when I bought it, how much I spent and what other colors it comes in. I should just say "thank you."
I seriously thought I was the only one..
Those who say "there is no such thing as a stupid question"...Have never worked in Customer Service.
My life.
I hate it when, I plan a conversation in my head, but the other person doesn't follow the script.
Hahaa!! happens all the time!