
22 Pins
Worbla Reveals a Better, Black Thermoplastic
Worbla Reveals a Better, Black Thermoplastic | Geek and Sundry http://geekandsundry.com/worbla-reveals-a-better-black-thermoplastic/
Shoe Altering Tutorial - Craft Foam by TerminaCosplay on DeviantArt
Shoe Altering Tutorial - Craft Foam by TerminaCosplay
Check out this great guide on how to make your first cosplay by Kamui! #tutorial #cosplay
Worbla - Armor, armor and even more armor! – Kamui Cosplay
Kamui’s Work
• Worbla Dragon Staff. From KamuiCosplay • Probably gonna try this with craft foam first.
Custom Worbla Sagittarius armor by Erza - Cosplay. #CraftYourFandom
Kamui’s Work
Kamui’s Work | Worbla's Finest Art
Lightning Cosplay
Trabajo de Lightning Cosplay con Worbla's Transpa Art --- Visita www.worbla.cl para adquirir los productos Worbla en América Latina
Accessories 2
This foam feather shoulder piece is a joy. Make 2 and pin them to your coat.
Phoenix Dress by Jolien-Rosanne (Fairytas, NL)
Detail of the chest piece for the Phoenix Dress by Jolien-Rosanne (Fairytas, NL) - Album on Imgur--something that Lucy would wear