RMS Titanic - 100th Year Anniversary 1912-2012

Fifteen-hundred people went into the sea, when Titanic sank from under us. There were twenty boats floating nearby... and only one came back. One. Six were saved from the water, myself included. Six... out of fifteen-hundred. Afterward, the seven-hundred people in the boats had nothing to do but wait... wait to die... wait to live... wait for an absolution... that would never come. ~Titanic Movie -1997~
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Recovered Cherub Figure from the Titanic: This cherub was recovered from the wreckage. (Photo Credit: Todd Gipstein; RMS Titanic, Inc./CORBIS)
The Titanic after being launched from dry dock on May 31, 1911. (Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.)
News of the Titanic
J. Bruce Ismay, chairman of the White Star Line, which owned the Titanic, and a survivor of the sinking. Blistering news coverage accused him of cowardice for fleeing the ship while women and children remained aboard.
The Vancouver Daily Province the morning of Monday, April 15, 1912. H.V.
This postcard of the lost Titanic was already for sale when the Carpathia docked in New York. Albert Caldwell bought one and sent it to friends in Iowa.
Recovered Items - SS Titanic Nameplate
SS Titanic Brass Nameplate A lifeboat nameplate removed from lifeboat #2. This came from the collection of James W. Barker who was able to retrieve this nameplate, a drinking cup and two oarlocks from lifeboat #2.
Titanic Day April 15, 1913 - Memory's Wreath
1st Anniversary Titanic Postcards
Titanic Artifacts, Pictures of Artifacts From the Titanic
A postcard rec'd by a Mrs. Goldsmith in the loss of her husband about the ship Titanic.
photos titanic underwater - Google Search