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Wedding-day white teeth! My dentist actually told me about this. Use a little toothpaste, mix in one teaspoon baking soda plus one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, half a teaspoon water. Thoroughly mix then brush your teeth for two minutes. Remember to do it once a week until you have reached the results you want. Once your teeth are good and white, limit yourself to using the whitening treatment once every month or two.
$5 per set! Adorable and affordable PDF download + instructions for making wooden block toys
Pressions Baby Feet Handprints kits Footprint kits Pet prints Baby gifts - Instructions
Crafts - Hobbies on a Budget
Making these for the garden this year! Mason jars painted or "flicked" with glow in the dark simple!
Bird Feeders | Bird Houses | Bird Seed | Bird Baths
Pinned with Pinterest App for iPad! Get it at the App Store!
Glass Pebble Stain Glass Window DIY Project - The Homestead Survival
Glass Pebbles from the Dollar Store create this stain glass window look. This would be fabulous in the garden with the sun beaming through.
Tea Time - Desktop Nexus Wallpapers
Water in the cup..seeds on the saucer.
Window Bird House - Window Nest Box | $125+ Orders Ship Free
Bird's Eye View Birdhouse.
How to Make Cement Garden Stones
how to make cement stones - this is great - and so easy. Want for my garden