Salon appart

42 Pins
Interior Paints
The right colours can completely enhance the look and feel of your room, especially when paired with the perfect piece of furniture or decor.
√ 40+ Modern Interior Design Home Ideas for Inspiration Decorating
Starting a new interior design project? A handy guide with the differences between interior designstyles including modern, industrial and transitional. #contemporaryfurniture
Apartment Therapy on Instagram: “Kitchen goals! Please excuse us while we paint ours blue 💙 (Image: @jessannkirby)”
Apartment Therapy on Instagram: “Okay, emerald green might be one of my favorite accent colors right now. What's yours? (Image: @girlandgrey)”
Apartment Therapy on Instagram: “BRB buying a green velvet sofa 🧚‍♂️ (Image: @laurenpressey | Home: @ginny_macdonald)”
Apartment Therapy on Instagram: “Definitely wouldn't mind having my morning coffee here 😍(Image: @heywanderer)”
20 inspirations pour un intérieur couleur kaki
En ce moment, toutes les tendances me plaisent. Et c'est suffisamment rare pour être signalé ! Le vert en fait partie, et notamment le ve...
What a day...! Long days are not easy when you carry some extra weight with you 😅 Now I'll lift me feet up and enjoy a cup of mulled wine 👌…
Une maison neuve près de Lyon
C’est l’architecte d’intérieur Marion Lanoë qui s’est vue confier l’aménagement d’une maison neuve à Venaison, près de Lyon. Donner du style et du caractère à un…
The 9 best blue paint colours, from navy to barely there neutral - Chatelaine
Our picks for the best blue paint colours includes the top-selling blue hues on the market (and what rooms they work best for)
Comment allier couleur, bonne humeur et déco chic ?
appartement parisien hausmannien gai et coloré Inside Out via Nat et nature