
17 Pins
Monday Made It: 8-12-13 + FREEBIES
She made these adorable birthday gifts for her students instead of the usual treat bags! FREE printable labels. You could also make these for back to school treats: "Sodalighted that you're in my class!" or "Wishing you a really sweet year in school!"
9 Simple Birthday Celebrations and Classroom Birthday Wishes
Student Birthday Gifts
The Finished Product!
1 bag per month with student's birthday gift from me inside. On their birthday, they just take out their treat! Easy and no more forgotten birthdays!!
Summer Birthday - Half Birthday Celebration Form {Free}
Summer Birthday - Half Birthday Celebration Form {Free}
a birthday + a treat
Such a sweet idea for teachers to do in their class! Classroom B-day idea... or just a great community builder mid-year. This is seriously one of the sweetest ideas I have ever seen. If there is no smartboard in your room maybe you could do it with large bulletin board paper. Then they could keep the kind words.
Super cute Birthdays! Pictures holding the date. Love this idea- image only.
Blogging, Teaching and Second Grade... Oh My!
Birthday pencils for each student. Get it done at the beginning of the year and then no worries or forgetting bdays!
*Teaching Maddeness*
classroom birthday ideas
First Week!
Here's a graph for charting class birthdays. Have the kids complete it as a class discovery activity.
This item is unavailable - Etsy
How cool would it be to have this on your students chair when they walked into class the morning of their birthday!