Extant Historical Garments, Footwear and Accessories

Early ages up to the Renaissance; surviving items of clothing and accessories throughout Europe and nearby areas.
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Purse Date: Late 15th century Culture: Northern European ...
Purse Date: Late 15th century Culture: Northern European ...
Purse Frame | French (?) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Purse Frame (image 2) | possibly French | 15th-16thc entury | iron | Metropolitan Museum of Art | Accession #: 55.61.16
Purse Frame | French | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Iron Purse Frame - French - 15th-16th century
Shoes | American | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Shoes, a,b) silk, wool, leather, linen, American
The Lady In Tweed
fiftysevenacademics: Poulaine made of leather with copper details, 1400 - 1450. (Rijksmuseum)
A Roman-Egyptian sprang turban
This is a sprang woven turban found on the head of a child mummy, from the 3rd-4th century in Upper Egypt. The length is 68cm with a width of 40cm. It is a linen net. The turban is in the Metropoli…
Gown & Chemise, 1307 (extant)......GOWN....aka dress or frock....a loose, flowing garment in any of various forms....worn by men & women.......CHEMISE....aka shift or smock....the innermost layer....the undergarment/underwear....usually made of linen....worn from early medieval to end of 19th century
The Sternenmantel of Heinrich II (or Star Mantle of Henry II) of was the last Saxon king of Germany and late in life, Holy Roman Emperor. The Sternenmantel was presented to Henry by Duke Ismahel of Bari. It was donated to Bamberg Cathedral by either Henry II or his wife, St Kunigunde (where it was used as a cope). 11th century C.E. The mantle is currently housed in the Bamber Cathedral Treasury.
Extant originals - European medieval, Dalmatic of Clement II.
Dalmatic of Clement II., of pope who died in 1047, Bamberg Cathedral (ca 1047)
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A fine and rare pair of gilded and painted carved wood ladies shoes, Italian, Dutch or French, second half 17th century, Kerry Taylor Auctions