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Clean Microwave
fill a measuring glass with 1 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of vinegar, set it in the microwave, turn on microwave on for 5 min and go on to another chore... CAUTION-use a towel to grab glass, will be HOT! Take a wet wash cloth and wipe every bit of the mess out. Seriously 6 minutes and I had a clean microwave.
How to clean your Dishwasher - Tammilee Tips
Dishwasher: half a cup of vinegar in a glass cup on the top rack. Run on high. Then baking soda on the bottom of the basin and ran the dishwasher on a half cycle with hot water
Plumbing - How to Dissolve a Clog: Pour 1/2 cup baking soda, followed by 1/2 cup white vinegar, down the drain, and cover with a plug or rag. The mixture will work to break down any fats into salt and harmless gas. Flush with boiling water poured from a teakettle. A product called Super Digest-It can also help; the microorganisms it contains eat the clogged-up material, turning it into carbon dioxide and water.
You will surprised to see all the makeup that is left in the water. How to properly clean your makeup brushes. (a tablespoon of white vinegar in a cup of hot water, and a 20 minute soak, followed by a hot, then cold rinse and pat dry will do it. Disinfects, dissolves grease/makeup, leaves no film, and inexpensive.)
How to Speed Up, Clean Up, and Revive Your Mac
How to Speed Up, Clean Up, and Revive Your Mac... everything you need to know. pin now, read later
Olde Green Cupboard Designs
cleaning oil stains on your driveway. Good to know
Magic Eraser uses... did you know you can cut a piece off and float it in your toilet overnight and voila! no more toilet ring! The website has a list of about 100 uses!
Cleaning day: How to wash down pillows at home | A Crafty Fox
How to wash pillows at home. GOOD TO KNOW!