teacher lynnie

128 Pins
I wanted to share this simple and inexpensive idea with you! I made these "we're ready" light buttons to use next year! (Even though I haven't finished packing my classroom! ) I plan to use them to hold all students in each group accountable for getting ready to learn! I'll use them to signal when groups are ready to share their thinking, when they all agree on something, or ready for transitions. #teachers #iteach #iteachtoo #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teacherspayteache...
I wanted to share this simple and inexpensive idea with you! I made these "we're ready" light buttons to use next year! (Even though I haven't finished packing my classroom! ) I plan to use them to hold all students in each group accountable for getting ready to learn! I'll use them to signal when groups are ready to share their thinking, when they all agree on something, or ready for transitions. #teachers #iteach #iteachtoo #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teacherspayteache...
Setting Up Your Classroom: 9 Practical Things You May Not Have Thought Of
Great tips for setting up your classroom!
To help students establish a math community. This is essential for our three part math lessons.
Tried out #miss5thswhiteboard idea with my new 7th grade class! It was a success; students reflected and most importantly I think they really enjoyed doing it!
Attention Please! Attention Getters/Grabbers {FREEBIE}
Whole Brain Teaching - Attention Please! {FREE} Love these ideas for getting students' attention in a cute, fun way.
Reading Log with Comprehension
This reading log helps students with comprehension, showing their understanding of their readings and making connections with the text, (text-text, text-self, and text-world).
What Makes a Parent Love a Teacher
Corkboard Connections: What Makes a Parent Love a Teacher - Great insights and a freebie from Jennifer of Cult of Pedagogy
The Question Board Classroom Management FREEBIE!
Are your students forgetting your routines or asking a zillion questions? Mine were! Until I tried this... Question Board! Classroom management for too many questions (Free- consider it a gift from my sanity to yours ;) )
This is great! Just a couple of tweaks for my own classroom, and it's a keeper! Maybe hang on the inside of the door? Or right beside it.
I need this!!! Oh my goodness this is every teachers dream!!!!
Attention Please! Attention Getters/Grabbers {FREEBIE}
I use these Whole Brain Teaching attention getters on a daily basis with my ELL students. These attention getters are a great way to improve your classroom management. I usually pick one or two to teach the class at the beginning of the year. Then every month or every few weeks, I introduce a new attention getter, which my students can't wait for!!
Free Exit Ticket for Any Subject - Comprehension Check - Exit Slip or Exit Pass
FREE DOWNLOAD How To Use: 1. As a formative assessment to see if students understood a concept. 2. As a way for students to ask questions about something they didn't understand (which I can address or "tweet back" the next day) 3. As a way for students to tell the teacher something they found interesting.