
29+ Fun & Creative Crafts For Kids!
Balloon Tennis... Easy and cheap entertainment! -- 29 of the MOST creative crafts and activities for kids!
Atividade de atenção, concentração e equilíbrio
Atividade para trabalharmos a atenção, concentração, e equilíbrio.😍 SEGUE NOSSOS PERFIS: 🎶@universoeducacional 📸 @universo.educacao.infantil Pinterest @universoeducacionalinfantil Professora quer ter acesso à planejamentos anuais editáveis em Word de acordo com os códigos da BNCC? Temos planejamentos do berçário ao 9º ano!🎯 CORRE LÁ NO LINK NA BIO! #educacaoinfantil #educacaoinclusiva #pedagogiaporamor #pedagogia #professoreducacaoinfantil Reposted from @hayatagacianaokulu
35 Ridiculously Fun DIY Backyard Games That Are Borderline Genius
In the months leading up to summertime, my kids start getting crazy antsy. It’s like they’re turning into little balls of energy I can scarcely control. They start tearing around the house. I find myself wishing as much as they would that the weather would warm up enough already to go outside!...