Cleaning our Earth

23 Pins
Cleaning up toxic villages to ‘build a beautiful China’
Cleaning up toxic villages to ‘build a beautiful China’ - Pasture around the lead smelter in Tianying is being planted with trees in an attempt to rejuvenate the soil.
Yukon environmental group decries cost of cleaning up mines | CBC News
The abandoned Faro mine, one of Canada's most contaminated sites. The Yukon government is still working on a closure plan for the site and spending millions each year on care and maintenance.
Water Treatment | -
The Sloan® AQUS™ Greywater System puts bathroom sink water to good use. This system filters the water that goes down your sink drain and then uses it to flush your toilet, saving thousands of gallons of water annually.
Few My Favorite Things
Check Out Some Of These DIY Non-Toxic Cleaners That Use Pure Essential Oils. #doTERRA #PureEssentialOilsForWellness
Reader Roundup: DIY Composting Toilets – Mother Earth News
"Reader Roundup: DIY Composting Toilets" You don’t need to purchase a commercial…
Loss of Biodiversity Infographic - Nikole Wohlmacher
I like how simple this infographic is. It shows some alarming statistics but it ends giving as hope that we can change this scenario.
Bioremediation: 5 Species That Eat Pollution for Breakfast
Vegetation that helps us clean up our mess... Anyhow, what happens when their tissue goes back to soil?
Natural Pest Deterrents For Your Garden | Moms Need To Know ™
Every garden attracts critters that you wish would call somewhere else home. Not only do you need to sometimes keep unwanted insects at bay, but also those pesky deer and rabbits too. Not only can they destroy your plants, they can end up ruining your enjoyment of your back yard (I still remember the first...Read More »
Plastic-eating bacteria could help clean up plastic waste | WordlessTech
Plastic-eating bacteria could help clean up plastic waste , - , Some bacteria th...