
House etc
117 Pins
How to Clean Toe and Foot Marks Off Sandals
Nothing decreases the looks and value of slip-on sandals like toe, heel and foot marks on the insoles. Here's how to remove them.
All You Need Is One Tea Bag And You Will Never See Mice Or Spiders In Your House Again! #AllYouNeedIsOneTeaBagAndYouWillNeverSeeMiceOrSpidersInYourHouseAgain!
How To Make Orange Peels Vinegar Cleaner - Enjoy Natural Health
Learn how to make and orange peel vinegar cleaner for your home
Clean your stove vents
My favorite cleaning hack yet! This is the easiest way to clean stove vents, and get every little nook and cranny clean and odor free. This kitchen cleaning tip requires just a pot of boiling water and baking soda-- all natural! #cleaninghacks #tipsandtricks #cleaning #cleaningtips #kitchen #instrupix #lifehack