Self-Care Starter Kit Card Deck

Self-Care Starter Kit - Mini Card Deck - May You Know Joy
Use this beautiful affirmation card deck to inspire your daily self-care practice. Want to practice self-care and make it fun? Check out our new card deck! Self-care can be as easy as picking the right card and doing what it says - and you're bound to have a blast doing it. Get your card deck now to START living life to its fullest! #SelfCare #HappyLiving #mayyouknowjoy #carddeck #giftsforher
This may contain: the box is next to an amethorate piece on top of a wooden table
Self care card pulling ✨✨✨ #selfcare #carddeck #affirmation
Self-care Starter Kit Affirmation Card Deck Create a - Etsy Canada
Self-care decks and ritual sets are back in stock in time for the holidays! The perfect mindful gift. Happy shopping 🛍️
Self-care Starter Kit Affirmation Card Deck Create a - Etsy Canada
We want your daily self-care routine to be simple, accessible and inspired. Pick a card each day and create a life you love 💗
A midday reminder that self-care might be as simple as pausing ☀️
I Pause card pull from the Self Care deck by May You Know Joy
This may contain: a person holding four cards in front of a box with the words i don't give anything
Daily self care inspiration #mayyouknowjoy #carddeck #selfcare
Summer Self-Care Practices
Let's use Summer to re-vitalize and re-energize. Let's feel good and shake off the sluggishness of the darker months. We've got a few tips to get you started. Feel good and enJOY! #summer #selfcare #mindfulness #journalideas #dailymotivation #mayyouknowjoy #lifehacks #selfcaretips #selfcaretools
Pulling a Daily Affirmation Card
Simple self-care inspiration to change your day and your life XO
Self-care Starter Kit Affirmation Card Deck Create a - Etsy Canada
Our new Self-Care Starter Kit is now available. We want to inspire your daily self-care practice and make it simple.
This may contain: some tags that are laying on top of a flowery cloth with the words, allow yourself to be inspired
Inspiring our self-care this morning with a card pull 💗
This may contain: an old wooden table with some books on it and a cup of coffee next to it
Pulling cards from the Self-Care Starter kit deck ✨
Create a Morning Intention Setting Practice
How you start matters. Create a simple morning ritual that you love, that inspires you and that sets the course for your whole day. #intention #intentionsetting #intnetionalliving #dailyinspiration #selfcare #selfcarepractice
Keep it Simple & Inspired: Intention Setting
Explore simple and inspiring ways to create the perfect intention setting practice for you. Create your mornings and your life on purpose. #intention #intentionalliving #selfcare #journal #dailyinspiration
Self-Care Starter Kit Card Deck
The gorgeous Self-Care Starter Kit card deck provides simple inspiration to infuse self-care practices into your day-to-day living.
Self Care Starter Kit Gift Set
This is a self-care ritual in a cute little bag. This include the Self-Care Starter Kit mini card deck, a birch bark card stand and a rose quartz crystal for energy healing.