Things I Want/Like

114 Pins
I would have to get a kiss from all of these wonderful dogs! Enjoy RUSHWORLD boards, BARK RUFFINGTON'S DOG KINGDOM, LULU'S FUNHOUSE and UNPREDICTABLE WOMEN HAUTE COUTURE. Follow RUSHWORLD! We're on the hunt for everything you'll love! #FunnyDogs #FunnyAnimals #CuteDogs
accurate representation of how Sunny reacts to receiving gifts.
“Writing a book is so easy.”
"Writing a book is so easy." This is actually why I want to write a book in the future, it must feel great to publish a great work you worked so hard to create...
I can relate, one time I sat outside for an hour in -25c only wearing a thin sweater because I didn't want to socialize, the joys of being Canadian << this comment XD
I like that candle one. Mostly because I actually do know how candles are made. And thanks to an episode of criminal minds, I know how to draw essential oils that human skin produces naturally and collect it as well. So. Human candles..... wow. What have I written.