gorgeous wall quilts

Quilted wall art, gorgeously stitched
41 Pins
Hawthorns on Walkers Hill 2
https://flic.kr/p/2oW2F | Hawthorns on Walkers Hill 2 | Hawthorns 2 - stitched and painted cotton
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Laura Kemshall
Laura Kemshall 'What Dreams May Come #2', 2015 45cm x 123cm Quilt Digital print, discharge, drawing, handwritten text, machine quilting. £625 Summer Sale Special price £375 plus postage (shipping worldwide is no problem)
Full and Fine - by Linda Kemshall: "The pomegranates were printed onto organza and overlay a hand painted fabric."
L'artiste du vendredi : Danny Amazonas - L' Atelier d Emma
L'artiste du vendredi : Danny Amazonas | L' Atelier d Emma
When Crotons Cut Loose
When Crotons Cut Loose, © 2012 Ellen Lindner
Abstract Tapestry Collection - Maximo Laura Tapestries for Sale
I have fallen in love with his tapestries. He doesn't just work in these powerful saturated colours. Check out his website, but I will pin more. - Presence of the Jaguar Spirit II - "Maximo Laura was recently designated as one of Peru’s Human Living Treasures, an honor worn easily by this self-taught artist whose textiles have received numerous national and international awards during a 35 year career. - See more at: http://maximolauratapestries.com/about-maximo-laura/#sthash.SJ1U1gxo.dpuf ....