Quotes I like

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Banana Date & Cardamom Muffins & Plans for a Whole30 - Naked Cuisine
For all my sisters struggling with weight issues: You've always been beautiful. Now you're just deciding to be healthier, fitter, faster and stronger. Remember that.
Morning Workout Motivation for Snooze-Lovers
sounds like a doctor Seuss quote to me lol and it's a good one!
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Moving On Quotes 101: Very Best Positive Thinking Quotes
A few well placed words.
I have looked at you in million of ways and I have loved you in each.
When you feel like quitting, Do 10 more! Pretty much all of our squats @Jess Liu MacLeod
Ive made mistakes in my life. Ive let people take advantage of me and Ive accepted way less than I deserve. But, Ive learned from my bad choices and even though there are some things I can never get back and people who will never be sorry, I know better next time and I wont settle for anything less than I deserve. #Quote #Saying
150 Motivational Quotes To Get You Out Of That Mental Rut
10 Inspirational Quotes About Change To Get You Out Of Your Slump | YourTango
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