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Programmable Toy Jacket Template (Compatible with Bee-Bot)
Bee Bot Jacket Template - bee bot, bee-bot, jacket, template
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BLANK Bee-Bot Jacket
Bee-Bot Gyakorlópálya, Kisváros - Iskolaellátó.hu
BEE-BOT Gyakorlópálya, Kisváros
Robotics in Kindergarten
ORIËNTEREN EN LOKALISEREN Met Bee-bot kun je kinderen stimuleren om ruimtelijke begrippen te gebruiken en routes te plannen. Een doordachte inzet van robots in het onderwijs! Gewoon bij Heutink te bestellen.
Bee-Bots Resources - Primary Treasure Chest
Bee bot - jackets #beebot #resources #programming
Bee-bot rulers to use in class. Each of the rulers is 15 cm long and covers 1 step the Bee-bot takes. These are great for use in class and introducing measurement using non-standard units.
Home Page
Great idea to use with the Bee-Bots - a Dice Mat! You can make these yourself or (I'm sure) buy them. ~Bon