
111 Pins
The magpie. "Strong, silent wisdom. It invites us to sing and create with all the beauty in one's heart, and then to fight like hell for what's rightfully ours, for what's there for the taking, for what is within reach" Communication & creative expression. Beckons us to reveal our brilliance.
Huppe fasciée Upupa epops
Hoopoe: Upupa epops - Hoopoe is the National-Bird of Israel - Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Quetzal- the bird once worshipped as a God.
Desert Cardinal / Pyrrhuloxia / Cardinal pyrrhuloxia : Le Cardinal pyrrhuloxia est une espèce de passereau de la famille des Cardinalidae, originaire du sud des États-Unis et du Mexique. Wikipédia
Madagascar Paradise Flycatcher
Madagascar Paradise Flycatcher
Join us February 18–21, 2022
Female Northern Flicker...I looked at this and wondered why I am so attracted by birds....and I realized it's because they are beautiful and can fly away at any time.