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Leah Friedlander on Instagram: "Sometimes the most creativity comes from working within a set of rules. This vinyasa sequence mostly stuck to one footprint in the feet while the hips and upper body did the work. How do you stay creative when you sequence? Do you ever set rules or challenges for yourself? #comeasyouare #yogasequence #yogateacher #vinyasayoga #accessyoga #creativeyogasequence"
kimi✨ on Instagram: "✺ If you could only do one yoga pose for the rest of your life, which one would it be? For me, it’s Malasana. Practical, powerful, and absolutely necessary for longevity. 💫 𓆏 Practicing on my @mandukaeurope GRP mat—Use code KIMIYOGA to save. [#malasana #yogapose #asana #malasanatutorial #posebreakdown #yogicsquat #yogisquat #yogamobility]"
Jani Weizman on Instagram: "Do you ever feel stuck, disconnected, or like there’s too much tension building up in your body? The Breath of Joy combines three short inhales (in one breath), one powerful exhale, and dynamic movement to activate your body and mind. Here’s why it’s powerful: Breath of Joy helps discharge built-up tension and reconnect you with your body, making it a great tool when you’re feeling low on energy or emotionally stuck. But what about anxiety? Anxiety often feels like too much energy in your system, and sometimes that energy needs to be released. Breath of Joy can help, but timing is everything. If you’re mildly anxious but still grounded, it’s a great way to safely channel and release that energy. However, if you’re feeling highly anxious or panicked, calming
Debbie Moser I Pilates & Yoga teacher on Instagram: "✨ Morning Stretch Flow ✨ Loved this routine? Comment ‘morningstretch’ and I’ll send you the link to the real-time video! 🌟 Start your day feeling amazing with this quick stretch routine: 1️⃣ Neck Rolls – 8 reps 2️⃣ Windshield Wipers – 10 total (5 each side) 3️⃣ Cat-Cow – 8 reps 4️⃣ Thread-the-Needle – 8 total (4 each side) 5️⃣ Down-Dog Pedals – 10 reps 6️⃣ Lizard Lunge Elbow Taps – 6 reps per side 7️⃣ Lunge to Pyramid Flow – 6 reps per side 8️⃣ Shoulder Dislocates – 8 reps 9️⃣ Deep Squat – Hold as long as you can ✨ Save this for your next morning routine and share it with someone who needs a great stretch! #morningstretch #dailyyogaflow #yogastretch #mobilityroutine #stretchingexercises #yogaeveryday #healthylifestyle #movementmedi
Facial Yoga / Glow Skin / lifestyle / Love yourself on Instagram: "Hi lovelies! 🌟 Are you keeping up with your Daily Faceyoga tips? Consistency is key to seeing amazing results and keeping those signs of aging at bay. Let’s make self-care a priority every single day! Your skin will thank you. Don’t forget to double tap and show some love! 😊 ❤️Credit: @beautyshamans Follow for more great content 👍 👉Follow @faceyoga_tips 👉Follow @faceyoga_tips 👉Follow @faceyoga_tips Tags❤️ #faceyoga #skincare #yoga #selfcare #beauty #facemassage #facegym #faceexercise #facelift #facefitness #antiaging #faceyogamethod #faceyogateacher #facialmassage #naturalbeauty #guasha #facialyoga #faceyogaexpert #yogafacial #skincareroutine #faceworkout #health #naturalfacelift #natural #facefit #selflove #s
Yoga Therapy on Instagram: "Mudras focus energy in your hands which impacts your brain. Use these mudras to deepen your meditation practice. Explore each one to notice the benefits. For more support with your meditation practice check out Meditation as Medicine. Comment "MEDICINE" below and I will send you the link to learn more. Peace together, Salimah Yoga Therapist #meditationtips #meditationpractice #meditating #meditationeveryday #mindfulnessmeditation #mudras #mudra #anxietyrelieftips Have your tried these mudras before?"
Polly Standeven on Instagram: "This pose will help with: Root chakra Grounding Healthy functions of elimination Releasing fear Sense of belonging Releases low mood Pumps energy through body Improves circulation Strengthens legs and core Also balances sacral chakra Enhances focus 🧘‍♀️ Gets that kundalini shakti alive and kicking 😎 To do the Kundalini Yoga Frog Pose: squat on your toes with feet apart and heels touching, placing your fingertips on the floor inside your knees. Inhale, straighten your legs while keeping your fingertips down and heels lifted, bringing your nose close to your knees. Exhale, lower back to your heels, lifting your head. This completes one round. Inhale up, exhale down. After finishing, sit down, stretch your legs, and relax. Sitting in Easy Pose
Yoga For Newbie on Instagram: "start the day feeling amaizing amd energized with this quick and effective #yoga sequence. perform every exercise 8/10 times #beginneryoga #morningyoga #morningmotivation #morningroutine"
Steve Macari on Instagram: "20 (actually 19) of my favorite mudras/hand gestures/healing gestures. Enjoy. #qigong #mudras #selfhealing #energywork #shamanism"
Erix on Instagram: "Mudras are symbolic hand gestures that are believed to guide energy flow in the body. They have their roots in ancient Indian spiritual traditions. By connecting certain finger tips and thumbs, each mudra completes an energetic circuit, leading to targeted benefits. More than just symbolic, mudras act as access points to tap into the body’s natural pathways and harmonize our energies. The Uttarabodhi mudra interlocks the middle three fingers. It cultivates inner calm and mental clarity. The Hakini mudra brings together the finger tips and thumbs. It balances the elements within and sharpens concentration. The Dhyan mudra lightly touches the thumbs together. It quiets the mind and grounds awareness. The Prana mudra connects the thumb, ring finger and pinky. It invig
Greesha Dhingra on Instagram: "DETOX DOES NOT HAPPEN BY CONSUMING PRODUCTS it happens by elimination. Detox word has been over commercialised now by various brands, health and service providers. What is presented as a manual process is actually a natural phenomenon in your body. Your body’s brilliance is such that it detoxes itself provided you allow it time. This is why the yogic practice of eating before sunset is highly recommended so that your body can work on detox until the next morning. Stop falling for commercialised ads for body detox products and start doing actual detox practice by including a 30 minute of Pranayama in your daily routine. - Aum Chanting: 5 minutes is powerful in bringing concentration and warming up lungs - Kapalbhati: If beginner, do 3 rounds(50, 80, 1
Manisha Yadav on Instagram: "These walks have many more benefits than listed. This is a just listing of all in one place so you all can have it as reference for the next time we are on the mat, or out in a garden for a walk. Save and share with your loved ones and let’s change how we take a walk! 💫 Which one will you be trying? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #walk #walking #walkwalkwalk #walks #walker #takeawalk #yogamotivation #yogalifestyle #yogadailypractice #yogaclasses #yogateacher #yogaonline #yogacommunity #yogaeverywhere #yogaforeveryone #yogafitness #yogaclass #yoga #yogapractice #yogainspiration #yogalove #practice #yogini #yoginilife #yogaeveryday #yoga #yogagirl #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogic"
Janvi Mehta on Instagram: "🔆🔅🔆 Chakras are energy centres located within the spine that allow for energy to flow within us ✨✨✨🪷 These energy centres are like important metro junctions where multiple lines coincide that carry hordes of passengers across the city 🚈🚡🚊 The same way these energy centres channel energy to every area of the body and therefore impact every dimension of our existence ⚡️ 🔴Mooladhara Chakra decides our roots, our physical health and impacts how grounded we feel. Practice :Malasan 🟠Swadishthana Chakra is the storehouse of past impressions and also determines our relationship with ourselves. To overcome feelings of lack and fear Practice : Trikonasan 🟡Manipura Chakra determines your self confidence and your ability to take action. Poses like Navasana,
Janvi Mehta on Instagram: "🌈🌈🌈🌈 What are the 7 main chakras? The chakra system refers to the energy centers we have in our bodies. There are seven major chakras, each in a specific location along your spine. Let’s look at each one more closely. Root chakra The root chakra, or Muladhara, is located at the base of your spine. It provides you with a base or foundation for life, and it helps you feel grounded and able to withstand challenges. Your root chakra is responsible for your sense of security and stability. Sacral chakra The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is located just below your belly button. This chakra is responsible for your sexual and creative energy. It’s also linked to how you relate to your emotions as well as the emotions of others. Solar plexus chakra The solar