Gear We Like

Hoping to share some of the best gear we've found that works for us. outdoor gear, gadgets, tools, best outdoor gear, camping equipment, camping clothes, how to camp, how to not freeze while camping, warm jackets for camping, clothes for hiking.
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Mountain Life Media (@MtnLifeMedia) / Twitter
Demoing the new #KEEN Durand Polar Shell women's boots on the #BruceTrail #Ontario
Women's Eastside 3-in-1 Trench Coat
Women's Eastside 3-In-1 Trench Coat | Be ready for any weather, any season with this ultra-versatile trench coat.
Sunda: The Next Level 2+ Person Tent & All-in-One Hammock
Sunda: The Next Level 2+ Person Tent & All-in-One Hammock project video thumbnail
Marker USA | Bindings, Helmets & Goggles
#Marker 3D+ OTIS #goggle
Blog - KOMBI ™ Canada
#Kombi's new #infants collection: The Fawn mitts.
Purchase your point of use water filtration system from Elua for your home or office and choose a free piece of premium glassware from Elua.
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The Gear I Love
#bergansUSA #bergansCanada
Mountain Life Media - Live It Up!
SmartWool Maybell Skirt - Merino Wool (For Women)
smartwool hiking skirt. Perfect length and because it's 100% merino wool it dries very quick!
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