
248 Pins
Lost and Jealous
Two varieties of monkey orchids (Dracula simia), rare flowers found only at high elevations in Ecuador and Peru.
Rare Flowers That Look Nothing Like Flowers. #6 Is Slightly Terrifying.
Rare Flowers That Look Nothing Like Flowers. #6 Is Slightly Terrifying. | My99Post | Funniest Fail Pics | Motivational Posters.
the easiest blackberry pie, ever.
dracula orchid... Now that's alive
Cirrhopetalum fascinator
Cirrhopetalum fascinator - esta é uma orquídea olhar assustador
Capture Minnesota Photo Contest - Ruby Leopard Slipper Orchid by Al Whitaker
The Baobab flower - very rare to view!
A very unusual flower! by Extraordinary Light | Redbubble
A very unusual flower! by Renee Hubbard Fine Art Photography
flowers of South America
Parrot flower from South America