Blocks and Construction

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Toys, Crafts, & Learning fun
Bringing in different materials to block play creates excitment. Adding things like coloured lights and mirrors can create new ideas.
What about balls and ramps?
Having a lot of shapes and size blocks for children to play with. It is good to have a variety of materials and textures.
Block Play
block play - using lots of different materials with the blocks. This doesnt limit children in any way.
light and shadow study in the block area
Light play in the block area
Image galleries | Early Life Foundations - Kathy Walker
I saw this and thought it was a great idea to have paper where the blocks are. This could be a fun activity for childnre, they could draw a picture of what they want to try and build. This would add a different challenge to block building.
blocks and building
Using different forms of blocks to play with. Adding in loose parts to bring out creativity and imagination.
Involving Parents
Adding a mirror to block building allows children to see what they are building from all angles. They can see themselves play and see other children in the room.