
48 Pins
Pumpkins carved with a drill -- love it! Lit up pumpkins doesn't have to be halloweeny!
SantaHears the Children
This is a creative way to decorate a pumpkin! I love it! #HallMOOween #udderlysmooth
Apple Cider Sangria.
FINALLY! apple cider sangria for Thanksgiving 1 bottle (standard size) of pinot grigio 2 1/2 cups fresh apple cider 1 cup club soda 1/2 cup ginger brandy 3 honey crisp apples, chopped 3 pears, chopped directions: Combine all ingredients together and stir, stir, stir. Refrigerate for an hour or so (or longer!) before serving.
Nickelodeon Parents
Have everyone write what they are thankful for on a cloth tablecloth on Thanksgiving. Bring it out every year and add to it. Can trace the little ones handprints. :) What a fun Thanksgiving tradition.