Tarot, dis moi tout !

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Ten of Coins Tarot Card Meanings
July 14 Tarot Card: Ten of Pentacles (Tarot of Dreams deck) You've got to look long-term. If you want to end up in a place of stability, comfort, and abundance, then all the decisions you make now must be in-line with that future vision
In A Country Far Beyond
herbalialavandula: thelivingwiccan: This deck really intrigues me! Does anyone have any info on it? The Green Man Tree Oracle is what came up when I did the google search by images, but I’m definitely positive it’s not the same deck. Unfortunately, nothing else but tumblr comes up other than that. @ Herbalialavandula @thelivingwiccan: this deck is “The Wild Unknown Tarot”. it’s a wonderful tarot deck. A bit expensive, but I love my own. A good gift ^^
TAROT OF VAMPYRES http://store.isisbooks.com/?Click=29343
Lá Nine of Swords - Deviant Moon Tarot 2025
Sword 9