
122 Pins
Homemade with love. In other words, I licked the spoon and kept using it.
Homemade with love. In other words, I licked the spoon and kept using it.
How to Get Your Toddler to Sleep Through the Night - dude mom
Dumb Mom’s Guide. How to Get Your Kid to Sleep Through the Night.
I really don't have a problem with her, as long as she doesn't talk to me, look at me, or is anywhere near me...and I don't see or hear her name.
Funny Confession Ecard: I really don't have a problem with her, as long as she doesn't talk to me, look at me, or is anywhere near me...and I don't see or hear her name.
Funny Friendship Memes & Ecards | Someecards
Funny Friendship Ecard: I hate when people say 'He's a nice person once you get to know him' They might as well just say 'He's a douche, but you'll get used to it'.
Funny Confession Memes & Ecards | Someecards
At least we know what the score is! Let me get my wallet so we can get down to business. I mean... fun. 8.)
Back together!!! P. 31 Left DH - Page 6
Funny how that works... ;) @Morgan Cicero
I love gangsta rap. I like to think that I'm still from the hood that I never lived in. Just keepin' it real.
Funny Confession Ecard: I love gangsta rap. I like to think that I'm still from the hood that I never lived in. Just keepin' it real.
I should be ashamed of myself. Let's be clear; I'm not, but I should be.
Funny Confession Ecard: I should be ashamed of myself. Let's be clear; I'm not, but I should be.
Funny Confession Memes & Ecards | Someecards
Funny Confession Ecard: I could use a foot massage, 4 donuts, and an orgasm.
You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I'm telling you why. You're ten years old and you have an iphone you little shit.
You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I'm telling you why. You're 10 years old and have an iphone you little shit.
Today's News, Entertainment, Video, Ecards and more at Someecards. |
Going to McDonalds for a salad is like going to a whore for a hug. | Somewhat Topical Ecard |