work related

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8 Sections
Occam’s Razor: The simplest solution is always the best
Occam’s Razor: The simplest solution is always the best » Interaction Design Foundation
The Arc of the Tantrum.jpg
This is an infographic I made for parents. The first page explains the different stages of a tantrum (based on the concepts of regulation) and the second page provides behavioral interventions that are effective in the various stages.
How to Heal Your Sacral Chakra Trauma: Divine Feminine Womb Chakra [Video]
Heal Your Womb Chakra - Infographic Divine | Feminine | Balance | Rise | Power | Create | Intuition | Women Empowerment | Patriarchy | Magic | Healing | Intuition | Love | Light | Mission | Soul Work | Soul Mission | Energy Work | Energy | Goddess | Wild Woman | Nature | She | Wisdom | Compassion | Beauty | Acceptance |
What Is Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development?
The goal of this post is for the purpose of a resource on the Piaget's stages of cognitive development. Having this knowledge betters our abilities to help the child with a loss and grief. It is also something that can be shared with parents giving them an idea of each developmental stage their child is at.
Personal Values - knowing who you are, what you stand for - part of your "personal brand". Great for building confidence, self worth & self esteem.