Celtic Mythology

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The Irish werewolf is different from the Teutonic or European werewolf, as it is really not a “monster” at all. Unlike its continental cousins, this shapeshifter is the guardian and protector of children, wounded men and lost persons. According to some ancient sources, the Irish werewolves were even recruited by kings in time of war. Known in their native land as the faoladh or conroicht, their predatory behaviour is typical of the common wolf, not beneath the occasional nocturnal ra
Beltane ~ The Beginner’s Guide To The Wheel Of The Year
Celtic Gods. Cernunnos - The Green Man - The Antlered God. Blog post about Beltane/May Day > http://lilywight.com/2013/05/01/beltane-the-beginners-guide-to-the-wheel-of-the-year/
Irish Gods and Goddesses List and Descriptions……. this is the Horned God
La Maison de Couture de la Cour de Fées
The Coranians are a drawrven race of beings from Welsh mythology - the adjective form of this name is translated as "stunted" or "dwarfish".
Sunday Inspirational Image: Horned God
The Horned God - Cernunnos/Herne (stag-horned) in Celtic tradition and Faunus/Pan (goat-horned) in Graeco/Roman tradition. Interconnected observations of the Horned God in His multi-manifestations occur for many who claim Him as their Patron. The Horned One is known as the primeval God of Male Sexual Vitality.
Celtic Mythology
Danu is the oldest Celtic goddess. In Celtic mythology, she was the great mother goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann (The Tribes of Danu). Few stories about Danu have survived, and yet the reverence in which she was held still remains. Her influence spread far across the British Isles and Europe, where the Danube River was named for her.
The Story of Deirdre. Irish Celtic Mythology, Fairy Tale. [Ireland, myths, mythological, heroes, hero tales]
Irish Folklore | Story of Deirdre. Irish Celtic Mythology, Fairy Tale. [Ireland, myths ...
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SEPTEMBER: Mysterious Celtic Mythology in American Folklore
Birds of Rhiannon
Birds of Rhiannon-"birds of Rhiannon", are supernatural creatures whose song can "wake the dead and lull the living to sleep".