We hate waste, which is why our Love Nature range demonstrates our respect for nature 🌳 and for the water 💧 in particular. By reducing our water consumption by 22% per product since 2015, we ensure that each gel, scrub and mask gives you a sublime result that is good for you and the planet 🌍 #OmaimaOriflame #Environment #Ecolo #BeautifulPlanet #BiodegradableFormula #Bio #LoveNature #Mask #Scrub #Gel #Concomb
We hate waste which is why our Love Nature range demonstrates our respect for nature and for the water in particular. By reducing our water consumption by 22% per product since 2015 we ensure that each gel scrub and mask gives you a sublime result that is good for you and the planet #OmaimaOriflame #Environment #Ecolo #BeautifulPlanet #BiodegradableFormula #Bio #LoveNature #Mask #Scrub #Gel #Concomb
We've answered every question you've ever had about SPF
What does SPF mean? SPF stands for ‘sun protection factor’. Although SPF is more accurately defined as the ‘sun burn protection factor’, as SPF only tells us about protection from UVB rays, and doesn’t take into account UVA protection.
We've answered every question you've ever had about SPF
All your sun cream and SPF questions, answered | Stylist
Ismerd meg az Oriflame világát!
Novage Men szett Energizáló arcápolók a bőröregedés és a fáradtság jelei ellen. Hatásukra üdébb, frissebb és fiatalosabb megjelenésű lesz a bőr. Rutinként alkalmazva klinikailag igazoltan csökkentik a fáradtság jeleit és a ráncok megjelenését. Simábbá, hidratáltabbá, rugalmasabbá és tónusosabbá teszik a bőrt. A szett tartalma: arctisztító, szemkörnyékápoló, szérum és arcápoló lotion. Használd minden reggel és este. #oriflame #novage #ferfiaknak