Social Studies

10 Pins
Virtual Field Trips: Using the Internet to Transport Kids Around the World
Great collection of resources for virtual field trips around the world.
Pretend Passports – a great homeschool tool
I am making pretend passports with my class for our "Communities around the world" unit. They will add a "Stamp" to their passport for each country we learn about. I am so excited for this unit!
Students make lighthouses out of cups ( Label can go on the back that says ".Leaders let their light shine when they make good choices. They show other the right path by being safe, respectful, and responsible."(See Eugene Field's documents) Have students write how they are like a lighthouse when they are a leader. We decorated a "Covey" christmas tree.
Art Project for Kids: How to Make a Rock Sculpture : Art for kids
Art Project for Kids: How to Make a Rock Sculpture. The Inuit (eskimos) are the ancient people who lived in the coldest part of our planet for more than a thousand years. They created the Inukshuk or rock sculptures to show directions, warn of danger, mark a place ,store food, or as religious figures.Let's learn how to make a Inukshuk . from the inuit people (eskimos 0
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